Taylor made services
Every challenge has its own characteristics.
Especially when it comes to ideas, there are no easy answers.
The solution to a task often depends on very complex framework conditions. And in the end also to the people who mit should work and live with the idea.
That is why our services are not standards. We approach each case anew and individually. There is only one constant that really helps us in all tasks: experience!
e / feedback
Are you unsure about a decision or when evaluating a task in the areas of marketing, strategy, innovation or creation?
You want a profiled expert as a sparring partner in the short term, who sharpens your perspective and helps you to make the best possible decision.

a / team
You choke on tasks. The workload is currently too much for your organization. Things stay put, don't get the necessary attention or even threaten to fail.
You want the short termHelp from experienced and clever minds, to complete a task precisely and in a given time. An independent "A-Team" that supports you concretely.

scm / troubleshoot
It's burning. You are missing an important integral position oder Person in the areas of strategy/creation/marketing. You cannot be filled at short notice
is absent for a longer period of time or has left the company.
You want a reliable calm sovereign Full or part timetroubleshooterwho makes the situation manageable and/or leads or complements the team. Until a suitable successor is found.
i / thinktank
The framework conditions for a business model have changed.
The competition is on your heels or outperforming you. You are in a price war. You don't get any further. It feels like a dead end.
You want a fresh impetus for a new perspective,
a new sustainable approach. You are open to new paths and would like to explore them in an innovation think tank
m / thinktank

Your strategy does not develop the possible potential. You or your team can't untie a knot and are too caught up in conventions. You need free space in which everything is possible for a moment.
You want a new perspective with fresh insights and perspectives that will bring you new ideas. Or they just want to fall in love with their product all over again. With a marketing think tank.
The most exciting, most exciting, most difficult and phase in a company is the foundation. You need a concept (team/resources) to realize your innovative idea.
We will build you a launch pad or help you turn your idea into a substantial business.